Win: 'Alice Through The Looking Glass' on DVD.

“After slipping through a mirror, Alice finds herself back in Underland with the White Queen, the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Her friends tell her that the Mad Hatter is in a funk over the loss of his family. Hoping to save his loved ones, Alice steals the Chronosphere from Time to travel into the past. While there, she encounters the younger Hatter and the evil Red Queen.”
To celebrate the release of ‘Alice Through The Looking Glass’ on DVD - out now! - we have three copies to give away. Find out how to win below…
1. Follow @coupdemain on Twitter and 'like' Coup De Main on Facebook for all your film updates and news: |
2. Tell us why you want to own ‘Alice Through The Looking Glass’ on DVD.
Watch the ‘Alice Through The Looking Glass’ trailer below…