Aurora: "Let's build each other up."

To kick off the new year, Laneway 2017 artist Aurora has written an open letter to the 'women of the world', during which she encourages us all to remember that, "Without garments we are not to be less respected, or sexualized objects that takes away our strength. Our skin is our armor. Our courage and muscle strength."
Read Aurora’s letter in full below:
Women of the world.
Let us not let the world take the innocence and natural beauty away from us. Without garments we are not to be less respected, or sexualized objects that takes away our strength. Our skin is our armor. Our courage and muscle strength. My body has carried me far, through battles and dreamlands. On this picture I haven't been shaving anything on my body - (besides my head) for months. I have hair under my arms, because I like the way it looks. And of course - that is okay! And if you don't like the way it feels, that is okay too. It's really not any more complicated than that
Take pride in being natural.
Take pride in being strong. In being curvy. In being skinny. Walk with your heads high and you'll see there is nothing more beautiful than a confident woman. Let's remind ourselves everyday how strong these bodies are. How these amazing bodies are designed to carry life, not to look like jewelry. We have carried every man and woman into this world, and we will continue to do so in thousands of years. Let's build each other up. We are on the same team both men and women, equals. Both parts needed in the circle of life.Stick together. We can do this.
I am so proud of everyone bringing light to the world. Respecting the people around them. Keep going. Much love, big hug. HAPPY New Years
"Nature child"