Catfish And The Bottlemen say they’re going back to Australia soon.

It turns out that Catfish And The Bottlemen love Australia so much, that the band have already let slip to Triple J that they intend on returning soon for another tour - despite just selling out shows in Sydney and Melbourne off the back of Falls Festival.
During an interview with Triple J, Van McCann and Johnny Bond revealed that the current tour plan is now: "South America, the US, the UK, back here."
With McCann further saying that: "After the reaction to this, we have to come back here as much as we possibly can. You can't not try and want to capitalise on that... The first time we got to come out here we were supporting The Kooks and they brought us out and we were playing 5-10,000 [capacity] outdoor amphitheatres and it was unreal, it looked like the place in Gladiator, but a gig... I remember watching the Kooks from way back after finishing our set, right the back of the amphitheatre and I thought 'Woah, it'd be good to have your band in here filling this place with your songs', so we want those big amphitheatres when we come back and wherever you let us go after that really. We gotta come back and double it again in Sydney and double that and keep going, another album."
The real question is though, when will New Zealand finally get a Catfish And The Bottlemen show?
Listen to the full interview below...