Glass Animals - 'Pork Soda' music video.

In typical Glass Animals fashion, their music video for latest single 'Pork Soda' is brilliantly self-referential, with multiple other characters from their 'How To Be A Human Being' album-world given sly nods - from Chuck Rogers' Palmbrella invention being advertised on TV, to Mr Jennings watching basketball (is this a hint that 'The Other Side Of Paradise' will be their next single?), and the liberation of mayonnaise from jars.
About their new video, the band’s Dave Bayley says: "As you may know, each song on this album is about a different character, and each character is visible on the album’s artwork. The lives of those characters are explored in more depth in the videos and accompanying websites. In this video we meet the song’s main character, Mr Jennings, and get a glimpse into his world of television, slingshots, dancing dogs, SPAM, and American daytime infomercials. There are subtle references to the other album characters and their videos too….from themes in the narrative, to the colours, to the the odd physical props and products seen….the Palmbrella (for instant tropification), Super Chicken (YUM), and the delicious Sprayonnaise (for both rapid and ultra-hygenic mayonnaise application). Those products are explained in even more detail on the accompanying website ( where you can embrace your inner ‘Mr Jennings’ and kick back in front of the tele and watch some proper daytime junk. Hehe. I hope you all enjoy."
Watch the 'Pork Soda' music video below...