Kate Nash - 'My Little Alien' music video.

Kate Nash has released a music video for new song 'My Little Alien', which stars her adorable dog, Stella, and is a friendly reminder to "adopt not shop" when it comes to rescuing a four legged friend.
About her new song, Nash says: "'My Little Alien' was written after a trip to Rachel, Nevada, where I saw a UFO for the first time. I took my rescue pup on the trip and I realized she is my best friend and although I have never met an alien she is like my little alien in a way. When I rescued her from a man in a coffee shop who wanted 20 bucks to get off drugs, she saved me at a time when I needed it most. Sometimes it feels like we're both from another planet. This song is about loving the strange."
Watch the 'My Little Alien' music video below...