Kehlani added to 2018 Bay Dreams line-up.

In an unexpected turn of events, Kehlani has been announced as the latest addition to Tauranga's upcoming 2018 Bay Dreams music festival which will be held at Baypark on January 2nd, and also includes Foster The People in its line-up.
"Tickets to Bay Dreams, which kicks off with a warm-up party on January 1, sold out in record time this year. A final release of 2000 tickets was recently added, with very limited numbers still available.
Bay Dreams 2018 will feature four stages and world-class production, which includes state-of-the art visuals, pyrotechnics, lighting and sound.
Camping is available again, and promoters have gone the extra mile creating a new experience, Dream City, which hosts a massive central entertainment area, a licensed bar, a full marketplace with a diverse range of food and drinks and late night entertainment, as well as games and activities. Glamping upgrades are also available."