Interview: Katie Stevens on ‘The Bold Type’ Season 3.

After winning the hearts of its viewers for the past two seasons, ‘The Bold Type’ is back and better than ever in its third season - following the lives of Jane Sloan, Kat Edison, and Sutton Brady and their lives at Scarlet Magazine as they go through the ups and downs of life.
Originally inspired by the life of former Cosmopolitan editor-in-chief Joanna Coles, the show not only induces hilarious stories, but also showcases important ones at the same time, with storylines around representation, equality, and more at the forefront.
We spoke to the show’s Katie Stevens (who plays Jane Sloan) about the new season, the importance of real-life storytelling in pop-culture, and our mutual love of Lizzo…

COUP DE MAIN: The new season of 'The Bold Type' has just started airing in New Zealand! Are you excited for fans to see this new season?
KATIE STEVENS: I am so excited! It’s such a surreal feeling to know that the show is airing in so many different countries, but I think it’s so beautiful! No matter where you’re from, you can feel seen and relate to our characters on the show.
CDM: How did it feel coming back to film Season 3 as Jane? Do you feel like playing her has become easier over time? A lot of actors say they get used to switching in and out of character quickly after a long period of time.
KATIE: I think there’s always a part of me that is a little nervous coming back to play Jane, and I find myself being like, “I remember how to do this, right?” But it is like riding a bike; you get back in the groove pretty quickly.
CDM: Do you feel similar or different to your character Jane in any particular ways?
KATIE: I think we’re similar in a lot of ways - I think we’re both very focused, and driven by our goals and dreams. But I think we’re different in that Jane gets herself into trouble sometimes by being impulsive, and I’d say she’s a little more high-strung and “Type A” than I am.
CDM: Australian singer Betty Who is in the first episode! What was it like working with her and having a real performer in that first episode?
KATIE: Betty Who is one of my dear friends, and I remember we were hanging out one night and she was talking about how much she loves the show! So I said, “We have to get you on it!”, and I went to our showrunner and told her the idea, and she agreed it was a no-brainer! It was so much fun to have her on-set! She’s been such a supportive friend to me, and I’m not going to lie, I’m obsessed with her music. We joke that I’m her number one fan, but really I am!
CDM: The show deals with so many amazing, important issues that are happening in the real world - whether it’s feminism, the pay gap, the LGBTQ community, and so much more. How does it feel to be part of a show which is so forward-thinking and representative of the real world?
KATIE: I think we live in a time where we need to be starting these conversations in order to create change. I think whenever a show is taking place in modern day 2019, it’s important to showcase what it’s like to live in this time. We’re so saturated by the media, and it can feel so isolating and scary to watch the news. People watch our show for a level of escapism, but I think it’s important that they all feel seen and like these characters are going through similar experiences as them.
CDM: Jane is initially really outraged by Patrick’s running of digital at Scarlet - the idea of a man telling a woman’s story - which is something so relatable to the real world, especially in the entertainment industry, where diversity of voices has become much more important. Is that something you feel strongly about?
KATIE: I feel so strongly about it. We need more diverse voices. We need people of colour, trans people, LGBTQ people, and any marginalized group to be speaking up and telling their stories. We need to see what the world is like through their eyes. We need women to continue speaking up for themselves as well. Especially in the US right now, we’re dealing with a climate where men are constantly trying to speak for women, make decisions for women, and I think it’s really important for women to stick up for themselves and know that they have a voice.
CDM: 'The Bold Type' is mostly written by women, right?
KATIE: We have always had a female showrunner, and the majority of writers are female. But we also have some incredible men who write for our show, identify as feminists, and who advocate for women. We have such an incredible team of writers; we are very lucky!

CDM: Do you think it’s important for television to accurately portray real-world stories?
KATIE: I think it is, within reason. Like I said, people watch television to escape. Sometimes, I think it’s okay for shows to be aspirational or not completely based in reality for that reason. But it’s equally important to use our voices and our platforms to create conversation to spark change where we would like to see it. We have a responsibility to do that.
CDM: In Season 2, I really enjoyed the storyline around Jane finding out that Sutton owned a gun and the story that followed. When you’re dealing with issues like these which are really delicate, do you feel a responsibility to explore them in a certain way?
KATIE: I do. That episode was really difficult because we wanted to do the story justice and not make it feel like a PSA on guns. But it was refreshing to hear from fans that it allowed them to have conversations with their friends and to try to see the issue from two sides. I think we explore the “grey” area with a lot of issues, and I think it’s important to do that because everything isn’t black and white.
CDM: Are there any issues or ideas that you’re particularly passionate about that you’d want the show to explore further?
KATIE: We’ve touched on so many! I am really happy that we’ve been able to tell Jane’s BRCA story. I feel like I’ve learned so much about it, and that so many women are going through the same thing. Honestly, I’m so close with my family and I think they’ve shaped me to be who I am, and I really want to do an episode where we meet Jane’s family to get a little more insight on her and what life growing up was like for her.
CDM: What were your first impressions of them when you met your co-stars Meghann and Aisha for the first time?
KATIE: I was so excited to meet them! I was a little intimidated because they are so stunning and talented, but they both have the warmest and most inviting energy that my nerves quickly went away and I just felt like I was hanging out with two people I had known for years.
CDM: What are your favourite things about working with Meghann and Aisha?
KATIE: They know me so well, as I know them. We are always there for each other. If someone comes to set and has had a tough morning or isn’t having the greatest day, the other two lift them up and take the reins that day. We give each other unconditional support and love.
CDM: If K.A.T.I.E. was an acronym, what would each letter stand for?
KATIE: Kind; Ambitious; Talkative; Intuitive; Excited about life!
CDM: You were originally on America Idol a number of years ago! Is singing something you’re still passionate about?
KATIE: I still love to sing! I do it a lot less now that I’ve been so busy with the show, but luckily I take my voice with me everywhere I go! I still sing every day! Hopefully one day, I’ll get to release music!
CDM: What type of music do you like listening to at the moment?
KATIE: I listen to Lizzo every morning to amp myself up! She’s incredible!
‘The Bold Type’ Season 3 is airing weekly on NEON - click here for more information, and watch the trailer below…