Thomston: Journal Murica ~ part 2.

i’m adjusting. my sleeping schedule is somewhat normal, the heat isn’t getting to me, i’m remembering to wear sunscreen and in meetings i kinda own it. the pace is different, slower, sometimes frustratingly so (i will NEVER complain about new zealand traffic again) but i am feeling less and less like a tourist every day.
i find myself eavesdropping on peoples conversations a lot, mainly because i’m a creep, but also because americans are very loud and out there and it’s almost impossible to avoid hearing at least 10 seconds of out-of-context sentences when walking around downtown. "that's the guy, that's the pickle guy” and "she will never be fat coz fat does not exist” were my two personal favourites.
on sunday night we went to the iheartradio awards and the air was thick with famous peoples' co2. rihanna had a helicopter on stage and her performance was so killer i was in complete awe. the weirdest part was how everyone loves country artists i have literally never heard of. the theatre would scream every time the name “sam smith” was blasted through the speakers, but even louder when “billybob and the corncobs” wandered on stage with a cowboy hat. **disclaimer - i made that name up because i don’t know any country artists but you get the idea**
as for the job i’m meant to be doing while i’m here (which is writing music) it’s going well. working with a sick young guy called nick leng who is very excited and said “fire” at least 12 times during our first session. i’ve put some links to his stuff below, great if you like ambient warm electronic. and fire.
but this whole week really just seems like a lead-in to what was one of the best days at the happiest place on earth. disneyland didn’t interest me that much to start with, perhaps because i don’t like to get caught up in hype as it usually ends in disappointment. but oh my… rainbow's end is a shambles in comparison (a shambles i still kinda love though). the monorail into the park glides smoothly over the most realistic fake rock i’ve ever laid eyes upon and i was glued to the glass. disney certainly know how to create a world to get excited about. my tips would be: do space mountain, indiana jones and spend a decent amount of time at the california adventure park. also, avoid the “it’s a small world” ride. stay as far away from that part of the park as possible as that song is scientifically proven to take a year off your life with each listen.
i’m learning, eating lots, and having the best time. i miss home a lil bit (mainly my cat) but the prospect of new york next week keeps me looking east rather than back out across the pacific. i’m putting out a new EP also. crazy.
IBEYI: went to watch these incredible twin sisters who combine their cuban roots with electronic vibes and it is so sick

DISNEYLAND: space mountain was killer. i can’t even put it into words.

IHEARTRADIO AWARDS: it was held in this beautiful theatre and i tried tater tots and my life was changed.

( <—— this is some of nick’s stuff.
thomas ~
Click HERE to read Part 1 of Thomston's USA Journal.