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We heart: Beyoncé launches athleisurewear range 'Ivy Park'.

Beyoncé has just announced she has created a clothing line called 'Ivy Park', an athleisurewear brand that she worked on with Sir Phillip Green.

'Ivy Park' will launch in New Zealand exclusively at Topshop on Queen Street this Friday 15th April.

About the line, Queen Bey had the following to say: “Sir Philip has created some amazing collaborations but I wanted a partnership and a stand-alone brand. When iIm working and rehearsing I live in my workout clothes but I didn't feel there was an athletic brand that spoke to me. My goal with Ivy Park is to push the boundaries of athletic wear and to support and inspire women who understand that beauty is more than your physical appearance. True beauty is in the health of our minds, hearts, and bodies. I know that when I feel physically strong, I am mentally strong and I wanted to create a brand that made other women feel the same way.”

Check out some of the campaign images below…