Listen: John Mayer’s new single, ‘I Guess I Just Feel Like’.

After first debuting it live last October at the iHeartRadio Theater, John Mayer has shared his new single ‘I Guess I Just Feel Like’, a confessional reflection upon the often hopeless world we live in, and wanting to remain optimistic - he sings, “I’ll always let hope in / wherever I’ll be.”
In a post shared on Instagram, Mayer explained the creation of the song: “I spent August and September of last year looking for new songs and couldn’t find them. I was thinking with my ultra-aesthetic brain, trying to write the tune I thought would be cool to have via sequencers, plugins and effects. (That process has worked barely enough times to still make it justifiable.) Then one day in October I decided I’d had just about enough of myself, and that’s always when the good stuff starts. I got two inexpensive microphones, a 1” tape machine and took out my Martin D-45 guitar. “I’m just going to do what I do,” I remember thinking. And then it all clicked again. I wrote most of “I Guess I Just Feel Like” in an hour. It’s great luck that my friend @daniel happened to stop by to take some photos the day this song was written. The moral of the story? Honesty is the best technology. I can’t wait for you to hear it tonight.”
Listen to ‘I Guess I Just Feel Like’ below…